Haptics Use Cases and Applications in VR: Assistive
Find out how the experts at the Haptics industry forum perceive the possibilities of using haptics and what it can bring to VR Assisstive projects
Find out how the experts at the Haptics industry forum perceive the possibilities of using haptics and what it can bring to VR Assisstive projects
The Haptics club is an Open community about #Haptics. Founded by members of Unity, Interhaptics, Senseglove, and Nanoport. An event every other week with speakers from various industries and academia.
In this article, you will discover how haptics brings value to this type of project and the different use cases where haptic feedback is applied to tele-existence/telerobotics experiences.
The haptic community has spoken and we heard loud and clear. We keep improving and growing Interhaptics to best fit the needs of all the VR, AR, MR, Mobile, and Console content creators.
Massimiliano di Luca is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham with a scientific background. He is working on understanding how humans interact with information coming from different sources.
On Thursday, May 27th, key players from the haptics, hand tracking, and VR training industries gathered to discuss the scaling of haptics in VR training applications. It addressed how a company can leverage haptic technology across all their virtual training
This article was extracted from the Recommended Practices for Haptics in Enterprise VR published by the Haptics Industry Forum.
Sensoryx and Interhaptics announced their collaboration in December 2020. The aim was to streamline the creation of hand-tracking interactions for VRFree. Today, they are coming back to present their success story around hand-tracking challenges and share the great partnership between
The implementation of accepted standards in a fragmented market always accompanied the growth and consolidation of any industry. This happened multiple times throughout the history of technology with large impacts on the economy of the industry.
Last October, SenseGlove and Interhaptics announced their collaboration to streamline haptic design for exoskeleton gloves. Using the, inspired by hand biology, SenseGlove’s DK1 and Interhaptics’ top-tier development and deployment software for virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) interactions, both