Native Integration
To access the Xbox Series Native Integration for Interhaptics Engine, you must be a registered Xbox Developer Partner. If you are not yet a partner, you must first apply and be accepted as an Xbox Developer Partner before you can access it.
The Interhaptics Engine add-on for the Xbox Series console can be requested through the Tools and Middleware Directory on the Partner Center. However, there are certain conditions, mentioned above, that must be met before obtaining access to the Interhaptics SDK for Xbox Series.
Request the Xbox Series add-on for the Interhaptics Unreal Engine, Unity SDK, and Native Integration through Partner Center. This will enable you to add haptic effects and build for the Xbox Series consoles.
Once you are granted access to the Interhaptics GitHub private repositories, you can go to Step 2 and beyond.
Complete the form from this link and integrate the Interhaptics Engine Core SDK according to the Interhaptics Engine documentation. The Xbox Series Native Integration can be added from the provided GitHub link (accessible once permission has been granted through Partner Center; contains instructions inside readme file).
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