Blueprint & API Usage
To further reduce overhead, a title can check if supported devices are connected before showing Chroma effects. The IsConnected() method can indicate if supported devices are in use to help determine if Chroma should be active. Games often will include a menu settings option to toggle Chroma RGB support, with being on by default as an additional way that users can minimize overhead.
Blueprints should define a FChromaSDKDeviceInfoType variable to pass by reference.
Check the state of the variable when the result is successful.
FChromaSDKDeviceInfoType deviceInfoType;
deviceInfoType.DeviceType = EChromaSDKCoreDeviceTypeEnum::DEVICE_ALL;
int result = UChromaSDKPluginBPLibrary::IsConnected(deviceInfoType);
if (result == 0)
if (deviceInfo.Connected > 0)
// Chroma devices are connected!
// "No Chroma devices are connected!";
// "Unable to check for Chroma devices. Unexpected result!";
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