The haptic community has spoken and we heard loud and clear. We keep improving and growing Interhaptics to best fit the needs of all the VR, AR, MR, Mobile, and Console content creators. Here is the roadmap for the current and upcoming Interhaptics projects.
This is updated on a monthly basis with all the new exciting features and updates.

Upcoming & Latest releases
- Haptic Composer 2.0: a new version of the Haptic Composer tool, a graphical tool to create amazing haptic feedback. The launch will include new features like haptics to audio, and audio to haptics. It will also offer the opportunity to design high-definition haptic feedback. The release is for october.
The packages updated will be Haptics for VR and MR, Haptics for Mobile and AR, Interhaptics for Academics. - Interaction Builder new features: this low code plugin for 3D engines allowing you to develop realistic hand interactions in a few clicks will be updated with new grabbing features and new snapping features. The new features are available since yesterday, check it out here. Download it on Unity Asset Store for Oculus and on our website for all other devices.
The packages updated will be Haptics for VR and MR, Hand Tracking for VR and MR, Interhaptics for Academics.
Partnerships & Alliances
- SenseGlove: The main objective of this collaboration is to streamline the haptic design process for exoskeleton gloves, by integrating SenseGlove DK-1 and SenseGlove Nova to Interhaptics.
The packages updated will be Haptics for VR and MR, Hand Tracking for VR and MR, Interhaptics for Academics. - Sensory: The major point of this partnership is to work side by side to streamline the creation of hand-tracking interactions for VRFree gloves.
The packages updated will be Haptics for VR and MR, Hand Tracking for VR and MR, Interhaptics for Academics.- MANUS: The aim of this alliance is to provide high-end finger tracking gloves for Motion Capture and VR, as well as high-fidelity haptic feedback, by integrating the MANUS Prime X Haptic VR gloves with Interhaptics.
The packages updated will be Haptics for VR and MR, Hand Tracking for VR and MR, Interhaptics for Academics.
- MANUS: The aim of this alliance is to provide high-end finger tracking gloves for Motion Capture and VR, as well as high-fidelity haptic feedback, by integrating the MANUS Prime X Haptic VR gloves with Interhaptics.